You stood before creation
Eternity in your hand
You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand
You stood before my failure
And carried the cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon your shoulders
My soul now to stand
So what could I say?
And what could I do?
But offer this heart, Oh God
Completely to you
-The Stand by Hillsong United
Have been listening to this song pretty much. Speaks tons to me. He did everything for us and everything belongs to us and all we have to offer are our hearts (and will of course).
Speaking which, I just feel that the society now is like so... masked, so fake these days. Two faced? Reminds me of emaths diagrams. *shudders*
Anyway, i guess its such a prominent problem these days that I can even see it around me. ): Just open your eyes and observe people in school. (my pastime other than dozing or doodling when im bored)
People acting like someone else, each and every one of them having a hidden motive or need behind that very mask. (LOL, reminds me of the masquarade post i was talking about.) They hide behind reality? I dont know lah. Not only it sometimes frustrates me (cause they are just SO plastic), i really pity them.
And darling Avy, if you are reading this, please please please think over what you've done okay? Implusive i think but is it right? There is still time to redo it. (: And I still love ya darling.
So tired. I'm kinda sad that I've completed "Attention Please!" Jdrama. Its so nice addictive lah! And in case you're mistaken, its not nice cause its romantic or what. Its because I love the acting of the lead actress. She's real good at acting as an outspoken, roudy and unlady-like lady becoming an airstewardess. Ichiban! Maybe I can use it for my next compo! (:
Randomness today. Maybe cause I'm too tired. Brains's outta order.

- あい,Rei 9:25 pm
I'm finally back for a choppy-chop update cause seriously, I've so much things to do (like SLEEP and browse through my Jap mags!) and yet there are SO many things i've to update on. Like for memories sake yea know? Thats one of the reasons why bloggers blog right?
Anyway, I shall begin with RH day on Wednesday. Some 4A girls wore the kebaya, well, since its our last year celebrating RH in TK, so must as well make some fun outta it. Surprise surprise, those that dressed up were mostly sec 4s. I guess we share the same sentiments.

Thanks to Firza who kindly supplied so many Kebayas for us. HOHO! Check out the Cassandra-and-joan twins! I know its no match cause she looks so much more princessy in it right? *HMPH*

I didnt go for the Rap thingy cause well, there wasnt actually anyone going for it. I mean, rapping sounds cool, but not when its gotta be about "many faces, one singapore". Just sounds too odd. Anyway, I didnt sign up for it in the first place. Tagore just throws anyone into whatever catagory they want to throw them in. Like come on, Charmaine in On-the-spot dance? No wonder she pon school lah!
Its not that I dont appreciate the school actually doing these stuff to make RH day interesting and stuff but maybe we could do something more practical and out of the box lah. Rap is indeed out of the box but please, choose the right people? I would have enjoyed making friendship bands much more. Choose the correct people lah. And maybe dont make it by house. Honestly, this house system is going no where. Well, at least for the Sec4s. We're indeed "many faces, one house" cause we're actually practicing house visiting on every house meeting. Mainly those that attract the crowd would be irritating house leaders that everyone loves to piss them off or the auditorium. (:
Okay, back to RH day. I was pretty much bored to nuts in the NE talk along with the rest of the 4A girls. They ended playing games on YS's ipod touch. There were pretty much people that pon school that day which got it pretty badly the next day. Mainly M.Mildred Yap screaming her head off at them and detention the entire day. But detention sounded good lor! They get to do anything they want in the Hall. :O
National day anyone? (;
Friday evening after school, rushed down to ACJC with Nutto for the Hearts Aflame conference. Meet Mich, Samuel and Priscilla there, followed by Tabs and Dawn. ACJC is big BUT.... (yes, a very big but) its OLD! Not my ideal JC lor. We were hungry, cold and tired in the worship. Worship was pretty much somewhat like our church, the first message to me was all about humans being messed up but what i thought what he said " life is like a thriller. we know the ending -that God is coming back soon, but we have to face many unknown things on the way to reach the end" really makes good sense. The second message was really good, humorous and yet, meaningful. I was starving by the end of the 2 messages and had late supper at KFC since I was craving for it so much. Nut was so tired that she couldnt really eat and Tabs and I cant stop laughing at the H cup chicken. Dawn is indeed a zai chicken eater man!
Woke up the next day (still exhausted) and headed down back for Heart Aflame again. The workshops were pretty decent, especially for the Gospel through Music. However, I thought that the Creative ways one and the Film one was a really waste of time. I should have gone for the Sy Rogers one! :( I was only able to sit through the last 15 mins of his workshop. Oh well...
Dinner was "indescribable" man. Even Nicole at like 1/5 of the food and she gave up. The messages after that were so blurry that I didnt think it made much sense to me. Too tired already. Overall, I can only say that this conference was so so. Not like very impressive or stuff cause I was really expecting more. I still think that Ignite 07 at BC was the best, most impactful.
But again, let me end this post with a few statements that I thought was really good, okay?
"The 2 most searched words are "sex" and "God"."
"If we are not going to preach about God to our friends, something or someone else is going to be preached"

I am on my mission to
SAVE. :]
Are you?
- あい,Rei 2:27 pm
21/07; Prom Dresses
2107 today... I nearly forgotten that today's the 21st though i reminded myself (and blogged) that today's the 21st. :S Geez, i'm getting Goldfish's memory already.
I'm pretty much lost for words (literally) cause well, there's nothing much to rant about these days other than the fact that most of my conversations with others are about formulas, test topics and crazy schedules. I guess this is what happens when its 91 days away from our O levels. I dont know what to say about the 91 days cause mainly it seems like a short time more to go (and panic) but on the other hand, one day seems SOOOO long for me. Like what I did this afternoon seemed like it happened 3 days ago? Good or bad, well, thats hard to explain. Or maybe its just my brain having a short circuit.
Anyhow, lets not bore you with this kinda stuff. 21st of July, i need to blog about something more interesting cause one month later, i guess the post will be super duper short. Then, it would be my prelims already. SCARY~~~!
So... let me talk about PROM. (:
Apparently, Prom falls exactly on my last day of O level , supposedly 12 November. Its SO unfair can? So only 4A has to wake up early that day to take our Bio MCQ before getting ready for prom. Though its like only an hour exam, I want to dye my hair for prom lah. :( How am I going to sit for O levels with blonde streaks? :((((
Okay, back to the topic, our prom is held at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel located near the Singapore river.

Yes, we paid 70 buckaroos for it. Lin said that she would decline any guy that invites her for a dance or anything cause she dont want to waste the 70 bucks she paid to sit down.
We have yet to know the theme (hopefully it isnt retro cause if it really is... ) but i guess the teachers would have a good enough taste for our theme lah. I mean since last year's theme was GLITZ, I guess this year's one would be better (like Masquerade!) HOHO! I would be damn psyched about it if it really is Masquerade. Imagine everyone wearing masks in the ballroom. ITS SO COOL LAH! I think those half masks are really pretty, those that cover around your eye?

*hints to the teachers!*
Oh, and did I mention I should be playing bass during prom? LOL. I think i'll look super awkward carrying my bio notes, bass guitar, my prom dress etc etc into the exam hall that morning. I know curiousity kills the cat but yea, I will only let out this info much later...
And on to the girl's favourite part... DRESSES. Oh man, as much as i am looking forward to shop for my prom dress, I'm kinda dreading it as well. Rare that I would dread shopping right? CAUSE... Prom dresses are WAY TOO OVERPRICED LAH! I mean, I dont get why should we spend 100 bucks on a dress that I would only wear once, or twice if I have another event to attend to in the future. Its SO expensive! Anyhow, I've somewhat an idea and a budget for my prom dress. Most likely a simple black halter dress which wont bomb my POSB account. :(
Looking through Forever 21's dress page, I've shortlisted these, though I still wont think of it as my ideal dress...
cute, but not polka dots please.
i like this cause its super casual looking,
though i guess its kinda overly casual for prom
Yes, im contradicting myself.
Near to ideal, just too low cut and kinda long!
and lastly, i like this cause of the prints!
And I've realised that all the dresses I've shortlisted are either black or white. On second thought, i guess what i'll wear will really depend on others. Dont want to be the only emo looking one there.
Anyways, I guess Prom should be seen as a long way from now since I've not even really started much for my O levels. :S Okay lah, I'm off to study for tmr's humans test. (:
- あい,Rei 9:25 pm

AHHH!! So busy lah! :( I just came back from studying with the NP company (the Coolie and the retard) and I'm freaking tired lah. Of course, they were as hilarious as usual.
Haix... The teachers really werent joking when they say that term 3 is gonna be a hella crazy time. So much so that I've been waking up at an insane 7 to 7.30 every day! (that includes weekends!) Its tests every single day, minus-ing Sundays. Yes, the insanity. >:(
I WANT MY SLEEPPPPPPP!!! *pulls eyebags*
Anyway, I'm just reporting here to prove that im still alive and kicking. As well, I'll upload the pics from Avy's birthday @ Kbox (which was eons ago...) plus some extras.
Birthday girlie singing her love song to.... *hints* 
thy threesome
(Tabs say that this is my signature pose.. The MUAX pose. Really ah?)
guess guess! Special notes to...
*hearts, hearts and even more hearts!*
Crazy things Jeremy can do doing AVA
and HOHO! Look my lashes! SEXAAY!
My first attempt at putting it on.
I'm still gonna update tomorrow cause its the 21st tomorrow so yea, dont mind this short update okay? I still need to go study my tingxie lor... *SOBS* I AM SO NOT RETAKING CHINESE!
Me want me sunshine. >.<
- あい,Rei 9:50 pm

Wowwie, today I've seen the real benefits from fasting. Indeed, fasting from shopping is real easy for some anti-shoppers but I've been itching to shop since day 1. Life without shopping for me is really really akward. Its like automatic for me to come online and after checking email and stuff, my cursor will head for the online shopping tab. BUT!! I've succeeded 2.5 weeks of it. I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF. *come on, give me a round of applause lah!*
As for today after o level chinese listening, I was itching like mad to go shopping or at least window shopping lah! Since Lin had to get some necessities, we headed down to Parkway (and to find that hairclips that actually cost like 50cents are super overpriced). I tell you, the sales are freaking tempting okay! Its like everywhere you turn, its a 50% off store wide or something. I even saw my favorite checked that is almost half price now lah! I was SOOOOOO tempted to get it and I even actually have the financial capability to do it. I could have break fast for A day but in the end, i thought it wont be too meaningful already.
Its like in gaming, you could actually get that x10000000000 bonus points but you choose not to. Or whatever, i dont game. :D
So if I had break fast today, here is what I would have spent:
- FOX checked shirt = $28
- DIVA earrings = $3 (another thing I was really tempted to buy since it was on offer)
- DIVA necklace= Around $8
- COTTON ON polo tee = $15
and maybe some cute accessories which is actually, my weakest weakest AND i repeat weakest spot.
I think i got a
weird fetish for
cute and unique accessories and stationaries.
And yes, I've managed to save THAT amount of money and did NOT break fast. Apparently, I might have spent more or less that amount, depending on what I see on the way yea? I could have bought something from Faceshop if not for Lin dragging me to see something else. Tell me about it man!
I think those with shopping symptoms like me
should really consider fasting from shopping for the next two weeks. Right Michelle? *wink*
Anyhow, its amazing I'm updating on a tuesday but well, I thought that I might forget about it by tomorrow afternoon. I still got unpublished posts from the previous days cause I'm far too busy to actually write a decent post. Grrrr... I want truncated lessons man!
- あい,Rei 10:42 pm
Its nice to put smiles on others faces through your writing.
As of record, i've put smiles onto 6 people's face today.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (GET-OLDER) DAY to Mich (today, 10th) and to Avy (11th)!
Wiser, prettier and wrinklier you shall be!
- あい,Rei 10:01 pm
thou shall not be tempted by the smiley devil!Wow, it really looks like i can only blog after midweek. The start of every week is simply hectic, with one thing after another. PENGSANG man. Its has been the brain-drain effect ever since school started again and i cant believe only 2 weeks has passed! It feels more like 2 months has passed lor!
But again, its only 104 days till my first paper and that number truly scares me lah. I mean i feel certainly unprepared for the BIG exams, something i've been studying for for 4 freaking years. Plus, I've no idea how am i gonna catch up in this 104 days when I've really SO little time to study. I think its only up to God to miraculously plant in some super info-absorbing genes and genius' DNA to make me a real 4A student.
Anyway on a lighter note, while others have been fasting from food, I've been fasting from... *DRUMROLL* SHOPPING. Yes, shopping. I know its no biggie for some of you who take shopping as a chore but I LOVE SHOPPING okay. Window shopping, clothes shopping, food shopping, online shopping, stationary shopping (MY FAVE OF ALL), shoe shopping and the list goes on. Since i cant really fast from food as my meals are as irregular as it is already, fasting from shopping is actually quite effective. I've to even restrict myself from even browsing the online sprees which actually unawarely is part of my daily routine.
I think this fasting is not only making me pray more but as well teaching me something i really lack and its SELF CONTROL. Suba-rashi man.
Okay lah! I've to go back to my work soon. Got tingxie tomorrow lor. Walao, and i thought after chinese O levels i can finally get a break from chinese lah. >:(
HOHO. I'm going to NP open house tomorrow. ^>.<^ JAA~
P.s, I LOVE KOIZORA MAN. Super cute. :D Love, 
- あい,Rei 7:26 pm
*WARNING, another very image heavy post!
Sorry that most of the photos here are not top quality as it takes ages to upload it. If there is any specific pictures would like, feel free to msn me for it yea? And so sorry that i didnt upload all individual/group photos here. Ask them from me on MSN yea? *
Hello People!
First and foremost, meet your new SIs!

Cool right? I've never thought that I'll become the SI.
Joking lah. That beret belonged to this coolie. Everyone knows that I'll never become the SI.

Anyway, our POP was definitely one that, well, can be said as an addition to our name - the squad of many firsts. 2 minutes long, with no formations. Why? Cut the long story short, we prepared for our POP just the day before in just an hour as we were then told that the rifles cant be used AND thus we had to scrap everything.
But quite a good deal right? Normally a POP is like 12 minutes long and would take months to prepare. Ours was 2 minutes long and took an hour to prepare. 6 times shorter but preparation wise, we took MUCH lesser.

Super syncho and straight lah! the bangings, alignments and everything else were PERFECTO! And presenting... our parade commandant...

So it was the last bersurai... (I totally love this picture)
and we were off

The time we were all waiting for...
and lastly, our cheer...

we formed a HEART coincidentally. LOL. the only formation of the day.
Then ma'am hazi and the other CIs did for the campcraft people a video and got a cake for us. So nice lah! THANKS CIs! OH YEA, and Ms nani mentioned us as "a very interesting batch". LOL. Applicable for inference.
Here's our favourite " HANTAM THE COOLIE" shot.

Group photos

Ivan, you CMI lah... (tsk tsk, act cute)

HAHA! you can see how happy Audy is.

And at the usual.

I specially put this photo up so you guys can see SHERWIN at the background. SUPER FUNNY LAH!

Though it maybe the end of our NP life, i dont think it is the end of the friendship we all cherish.
EOY camp (of our own) anyone? :P
- あい,Rei 9:47 pm