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Thursday, March 05, 2009, 1:31 am | 1 comments

New Bloggie Here!
You will be AUTO REDIRECTED. (:

Hello People.

I'm glad (and super duper delighted) to announce that Rei has moved to a new blog. This is the 567th post and thus concludes the end of funkyangel9220.bs.com.
Thank you for visiting this web.

The new link will be posted up as soon as that place is tided up. (You all know what an ass Blogger is.)

Love, Joan

- あい,Rei 1:31 am

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 12:26 pm | 2 comments

Okay, my blog is officially stale.
(omg... I miss my old hair style!)

Somehow, there's like nothing much to blog and if I do have, I will have to squish everything into one post. Haha. Sounds damn pathetic right. I've reached by blog quota and I cant find a decent URL la. Plus all those that are taken up are growing cobwebs and have million links to the more "updated" blog.

Haha. So hopefully since im like only working 2 times next week, I'll be able to fix this bloggy thingy or else the next time you'll actually see me blogging will be eons later.

Speaking which, working is really.... -.- I'm serious. I'm so not gonna be a part of the F&B industry next time okay. To think that last time i would rather work than study... Mans... Well, at least the people working there are like fine, and I can like get along with my partner (hopefully partner till i quit) well. Haha, its like a jumble of all sorts of poly students there. Every poly except RP!

On a random note, I so love my newly printed polaroid inspired pictures! (: Not easy okay, especially when my this ancient lappy has nothing inside, not to mention, NO PHOTOSHOP. Can cry okay. It doesnt even have Imageready which had been my best buddy for like goodnessknowhowlong.

I'm so itching to get photoshop once I get my this month's pay plus go eat some jappy food and spluge on some cute jappy stuff. HOHO. Not to mention online shopping. Eh, I'm already saving alot on transportation everyday lor! Rin and I walk from Orchard to Bugis to save money almost daily.

Some aunties we are.

Okays, off to pack my stuff then to worship prac to youth to work to sleep to church again. Long cycle but on the brighter note, I'm really glad to see the churchies again. (:

and of course...HAHAHAHA. MY other half!
Presenting AN and EL.

omg. Im turning spastic with work.

- あい,Rei 12:26 pm

Saturday, February 14, 2009, 10:53 pm | 1 comments

Hello! Happy Valentine's Day people. (:

Just came home not too long ago from the Vday BBQ at church. HOHO. The best way to spend your Vday mans! Food was okay only cause didnt really get to eat much but the people made it uber fun. Anw, more to that later.

In the previous post, i mentioned about bombing this place with my TPJ friends photos? Haha.... okay, maybe its not so possible now cause like I cant get the pictures taken the other day on take-a-photo day with my CG cause like the ones i manage to get from friend are all blurry.


woohoo! we look like MJCians. 09S01! (:

I missed my dearies from TPJ (though like I just met them) so Rin and I baked some cookies for Vday and I popped down on Vday eve at 12ish to meet them.

And boy, am I glad to meet them though its like over a gate. -.- Felt like I was jail visiting though ironically I'm on the "jail" side. I'm not the only one lor!

Thanks alot Cindy though I dunno who will be reading this now.

Though my CG (09S01) only like met once and stuff (okay, for me that is), I was AND am so glad that actually bothered to turn up lor. Plus they remembered me and somemore waved/hugged/etc. Some of them even got me stuff okay... *touched*


My freaking pretty Korean classmate, Jennifer

And... I was uber delighted to see my OG mates too. OG24 YO! (:
Sadly, didnt take a picture with Jolene who got me this really sweet card. Jolene! I will crash TPJ one of these days okay. (:

Belinda, Dear YingQi and Joseph!
Haha! Joseph is damn cute to irritate lor!

I tell you. I cant bear to leave TPJ lor! So many friends (and friend's friends) made here, PLUS! they are true friends, unlike those twofaced ones that you meet else where.

Other friends there (TK and SAC ones)

with Syakir and Illyas
Joan, Az, Gabriel - 2C talents. :3

WeiLing's friends, Rachel and YuNing (i think, who is my tuition friend!) and Jiamin

I'm like badly psychoing myself that I'll meet just as nice people in TP. But still.... I really miss the people in TPJ. Nevermind, since these 2 schools are so near, I shall crash TPJ soon.

Imma crashing TJ on Monday hopefully! HAHAA!

Okay, fastforward to today...

Gave out Vday Cookies too at LIVEWIRE! I didnt expect anyone else to be giving since our youth is a little.... conservertive when it comes to this so I didnt prepare for everyone, only for people I'm close to or feel that I should give.

After service had Family BBQ and the youths frolicked around and later on the remaining few skipped to the beach to play with the sparkles which were like meant for the kids.

Cause most of us were like already high cause of the skipping and Timothy running like mad all the way cause Weitian keep scaring him with the lizard, we ended up doing this...

me and tabs drawing a hearto!

LOVE - in tribute to Vday!

and LIVE - for LIVEWIRE!

Hahaha... And LOADS LOADS MORE, including our individual names and stuff...


Hahaa... I've not edited any yet, neither have I photoshopped some names cause they're abit un-seeable. Those, I'll upload when I'm done okay?



- あい,Rei 10:53 pm

Monday, February 09, 2009, 9:34 pm | 2 comments

Been one week since I've updated and amazingly enough, tables have turned.

I dont feel like leaving TPJ now.
And its not even the orienations yet!

Like OMG right?
*sigh* decisions decisions.
I've made so many in the span of like what? One month? From choice of school to appeal choices to combi choices to CCA choices and now choice whether to stay in TPJ or go to TP Business.


Well, since the appeal offer is granted to me, I think im going though my heart is kinda stuck at TPJ. The people at TPJ are really fun and kindhearted at the same time. Haha! My OG mates are seriously fun to be with lor!! And I've hardly gotten to know the rest of my CG friends. So far I only know 2 other than the 2 from my OG.

Some OG24 Girls

YingQi, the first new friend I made in TPJ.
Enthu Buddy YO!

OH! And I got a Korean girl in my CG. FREAKING PRETTY I TELL YOU. I'm gonna take picture with her tomorrow mans!

Tomorrow's gonna be my last day in TPJ lor. *pouts* I really dont mind staying another month plus till poly starts. Especially through this friendship week and orientation lor! Its super fun lah. But right, the TPJ admin is like SOOO RUDE? The other day they screamed at Rin with regards bout her appeal and today....

J: Erm, so can I go for lessons tommorow still cause-
A: NO.
Like wth. I've yet to finish my sentence right?!
Who cares. I'm like going for lessons first before I hand up the form after school.

Anw! Today's Hi5 day and tomorrow is the take-a-picture day. WOOHOO. BEST! Can take picture with all my OG and CG peeps before going off! (: HAHA. And its Kenneth's birthday tomorrow.

Okay lah, now with more time on my hands, I guess I can like do something about this blog. Reason why im like not blogging is cause im like reaching my quota soon and I've not blogged about so many things. Haha. Irritating is that I cant find a proper new URL. Like wth.

And I'm gonna miss Econs. Like omg. *smacks forehead*

I guess tomorrow I'll bomb this place with my OG/CG pictures (mostly OG i guess lah... I dont know my CG yet. Tmr first and last time seeing them?) Haha. And if possible, I'll like bomb it with my China pics as well. (:

See you guys. I'll miss ya.

- あい,Rei 9:34 pm

Monday, February 02, 2009, 8:48 pm | 3 comments

Not fair!!!!

Everyone else is having orientation and having a ball of fun and TPJC is giving us talks the entire day.

Imagine, butt hurting after sitting for HOURS on the wooden floors of TPJC and listening to the physic teacher going on and on about the different subjects yakky yak yak blah.

That physics teacher looks and sounds like a chipmunk. I swear. Cute anot... I shant comment on that. (:


You know right, its SO awesome that to start a conversation with the people in my OG, all I got to ask is "Are you staying or appealing?"

and more than often, the answer is the latter. At least 80% of the people are appealing to MJ or somewhere else. For me its NgeeAnnPoly lah.

I think i can go on for hours about how bad my first day was but at least my award-winning starting convo qnt gained me some aqquaintances who are in the same boat as me lah.

As well as the 20 to 30 over TKsians in there and a handful of SAC-ians.

I decided that i must blog about this and then should my appeal to NP is successful, I can look back and say "HAIYA. I'm so glad I'm in NP now."

And shit. We're starting lessons on THURS. Like 2 more days of BUTT ACHES.

Okay, im going to ask Kenneth how was choir auditions now. See ya. :(

- あい,Rei 8:48 pm